Profile: b 4 skip 8 me is a Cards & Gift Shops company located at Buninyong, Victoria Australia, address is P.O. Box A222, Buninyong 3357 VIC, postcode is 3357, you can contact b 4 skip 8 me by phone 0407 857 755
Description: The intention of this web site is to try and achieve two goals. The first is to have unique items that are customer driven. The second is to introduce Aussie talent. Talent that can produce original marketable items with variety being the essence. Given time this site will become larger offering mostly unique items for sale, preference being given to hand-crafted rather than production style produce. This site also allows for your input: ideas, needs, products etc
Google Map of b 4 skip 8 me address: P.O. Box A222, Buninyong 3357 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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