Profile: Urbanite Furniture is a Furniture Stores company located at Braeside, Victoria Australia, address is 13 Citrus St, Braeside 3195 VIC, postcode is 3195
Description: To design and manufacture high quality locally and hand made furniture and furnishings for our customers specific needs. We specialize in creating furniture for cafes, beer gardens, restaurants, pubs, balcony's, backyards, homes, all of which can be fully customizable and yet is still competitively priced. Servicing the Melbourne area.
Google Map of Urbanite Furniture address: 13 Citrus St, Braeside 3195 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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Experience, reliability & building excellence. Pelco specialises in new custom built homes, units and townhouse design and development in metro-Melbourne and Yarra Valley.