Profile: Jedi Master Training is a Personal Trainers company located at Corio, Victoria Australia, address is Corio 3214 VIC, postcode is 3214
Description: If you are after direct experiences with the spiritual/paranormal/sixth sense, plus the depth and knoweldge that comes with understanding how these things are possible. Then this is for you. Awaken your dimensional consciousness through various techniques that will allow you to expereience beyond the brain. If you have ever felt some purpose or sense within you telling you that there is more to reality than what you see with your eyes, but some how you just cant seem to find what you are looking for. like there is a veil between you and it. I will show you what has been hidden from you. You decide the destiny of your soul.
Google Map of Jedi Master Training address: Corio 3214 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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