Profile: Top Rope Fitness is a Personal Trainers company located at Fairfield, Victoria Australia, address is Fairfield 3078 VIC, postcode is 3078
Description: Outdoor personal training can be one on one with one of our trainers, or you can team yourself up with a friend or two. Our trainers are able to train you and your friend even if you are at completely different fitness levels. Your personal trainer will have their eyes on you every second of the session, keeping you focused and training in a safe and effective manner. Your trainer will devise a training strategy to reach your goals, with each session being different and interesting to keep you motivated and seeing improvements.
Google Map of Top Rope Fitness address: Fairfield 3078 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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