Profile: Let Danny Do It is a Removalists company located at Watsonia, Victoria Australia, address is Watsonia 3087 VIC, postcode is 3087
Description: My name is Danny Yates and I�¢??ve been a removalist for ten years. Whenever I�¢??m on a job, I�¢??m out to disprove the stereotype of your average removalist (you know the sort: grumpy, reeks of cigarettes, rough with your belongings and no idea about customer service). I strive to achieve the opposite of this by being polite, well presented, highly trained and willing to be on the job for as long as you need me to be. I have been in the industry for a little over ten years and have moved about 2000 homes all over Melbourne and Victoria. From apartments in Sth Yarra and the CBD to beach houses in Phillip Island. My services and experience are not just limited to residential housing as I�¢??ve moved countless offices. Doctors, accountants, lawyers: you name it, I�¢??ve moved it.
Additional Information:
Times Vary - call for detailsAppointments AvailableFlexible Hours by Appointment
Payment Options:
Direct DepositCashAll Cards Accepted
Registration Details:
ABN: 79 442 676 336
Google Map of Let Danny Do It address: Watsonia 3087 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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