Profile: PROTOCON CIVIL is a Construction Services company located at Beaumaris, Victoria Australia, address is Beaumaris 3193 VIC, postcode is 3193
Description: All types of earthworks, concreting, slabs, driveways, paths, exposed aggregate, paving, retaining walls, drainage , pits, roads and footpaths, commercially registered builders, own plant and machinery, carpentry crew. Call us today for a free no obligation quote.
Google Map of PROTOCON CIVIL address: Beaumaris 3193 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
1 comment(s) on PROTOCON CIVIL
Raymond StylesPosted at 2016-08-21 21:05:30
I have worked for Protocon Project Management on a Shangrial Construction Project cleaning up and rectifying carpentry work for someone John Dikranis trading as Protocon Project Management employed. At this point in time three invoices are outstanding and unpaid. I would not recogmend using either Protocon Project Management or Shangrila Construction.
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