Profile: PTR Plumbing is a Plumbing company located at Kensington, Victoria Australia, address is Kensington 3031 VIC, postcode is 3031
Description: Hot water units replaced , Ovens , gas fitting , bathroom renovations , toilet repairs , vanity units , burst pipes , leaking taps , maintenance , general plumbing.
Payment Options:
Direct DepositMotor PassCash
Service Options
Central & Underfloor HeatingLeaks & FloodingGas FittingGas LeaksToilet RepairsKitchenWashing MachinesDishwashersBurst PipesBathroomGas InstallationsLaundryHot Water SystemsGas Connection Inspection
Google Map of PTR Plumbing address: Kensington 3031 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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