Profile: Carer Helpline is a Community Service/Non-Profit company located at Hawthorn, Victoria Australia, address is Hawthorn 3122 VIC, postcode is 3122
Description: Our helpline provides free, confidential information, support and referral for family, carers, and friends of people with a mental illness. Health professionals and other interested groups may also use this service to find out about supporting families and carers in the community. Our trained telephone support workers provide the helpline service and are supervised and supported by our ARAFEMI Family Support staff. Telephone support workers can: -Talk through your situation with you -Help you work out strategies for looking after yourself or supporting a family member or friend with a mental illness -Provide referral information for carer, community and mental health services -Talk with you about our family support group and family education workshops or link you to similar services
Google Map of Carer Helpline address: Hawthorn 3122 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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