Profile: Boxly is a Storage company located at Richmond, Victoria Australia, address is Richmond 3121 VIC, postcode is 3121
Description: Boxly removes all the hassle from storage by picking up and delivering. Users never have to leave their home and only pay for what they use. Boxly drops off large heavy-duty boxes free, collects them when packed and securely stores them. Boxly returns the boxes on demand within 24 hours through an easy-to-use online booking system. Boxly also collects and stores bulky items like archive boxes, skis, luggage and bicycles.
Additional Information:
Online ServiceContact 24 hours
Payment Options:
All Cards Accepted
Google Map of Boxly address: Richmond 3121 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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