We are dedicated to providing beautifully personalized unique design products of the highest quality. We specialize in wedding invitations, stationery and hand crafted paper decor.
Profile: The Letter Shed is a Wedding Supplies company located at Somerville, Victoria Australia, address is Somerville 3912 VIC, postcode is 3912
Description: The Letter Shed are dedicated to providing beautifully personalized unique design products of the highest quality. Located on the beautiful Monrington Peninsula in Victoria, we specialize in completely custom wedding invitations and stationery, hand crafted paper decorations and the unique graphic design. Being a small design studio we take the time to personalize every piece of your design product. We would love to work with you, so contact us today to organize a complimentary appointment with award winning graphic designer Ellesse Duncan. Please visit our website or connect to us via facebook www.facebook.com/TheLetterShed.
Google Map of The Letter Shed address: Somerville 3912 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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