Profile: A Sweet Note is a Caterers company located at Elwood, Victoria Australia, address is Elwood 3184 VIC, postcode is 3184
Description: A Sweet Note has arrived to cater to the sweet side of your next occasion. We currently specialise in cupcakes and French macarons and assure that only the freshest, highest quality ingredients are used. All of our products are freshly baked and hade made to your order. We tailor the appearance and flavour of the product to suit your needs, whether it be for a corporate event, your office morning or afternoon tea, a birthday, baby shower, engagement or other milestone to be celebrated. A Sweet Note provides careful delivery of your order and will set up and arrange the sweet treats as per your requests. Cupcake stands are available for hire.
Google Map of A Sweet Note address: Elwood 3184 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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