Profile: Monkey Trax Deejays is a DJs company located at Croydon North, Victoria Australia, address is Croydon North 3136 VIC, postcode is 3136
Description: Monkey Trax DJ's have been in the business for the past 7 years. We specialise in 18th's, 21st's, XMAS Parties, Corporate Functions, Basically any party that needs an excellent selection of music. All DJ's have worked in the industry and understand how to evolve with any type of crowd during the night. Please contact us for a quote, because you won't be disappointed. We offer a full money back guarantee on our services!!!!!!!!
Google Map of Monkey Trax Deejays address: Croydon North 3136 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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