Profile: MANS OHS Consulting is a Consulates & Embassies company located at Tarneit, Victoria Australia, address is Tarneit 3029 VIC, postcode is 3029
Description: Occupational Health, Safety & Environment BUSINESSES: CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR LEGAL OBLIGATIONS? HAVE BEEN ISSUED WITH AN IMPROVEMENT NOTICE? HAVE OUTSTANDING COMPLIANCE ISSUES? TIRED OF EXPENSIVE LARGE ORGANISATIONAL QUOTES FOR YOUR OTHERWISE SMALL BUSINESS NEEDS? INDIVIDUALS: CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS? BEEN INJURED AT WORK? NEED ADVICE? NEED TO FILE A WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM? Specializing in both Individuals & Businesses. Ample Experience working closely with Regulatory Authorities - Worksafe, EPA, NPI, NICNAS etc Specializing in; Risk Management - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Control Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods Management - Storage/Handling/ Transport Induction Systems Contractor/Sub-contractor Management Environmental - National Pollutants Inventory Reporting etc OHS Management Systems- Quality, Environmental, Emergency Management Plans, Pollution Incident Response Management Plan etc Catered to your needs! Auditing - AS4801 , OHSAS-18001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, - As well as simple auditing for small business needs. Incident Investigation - Root Cause Analysis, Cause & Effect etc Return to Work Plans Workers Compensation Claims Ergonomics - System Design, Workstation Assessments etc Material Safety Data Sheet Management - We can develop MSDS for your own specific products! As well as Providing National Accredited Training - HSE Training, Manual Handling, Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances, Working at Height, Confined Spaces, Evacuation Drills, Fire Extinguishers, Forklift Refresher Training, Spill Response, Incident Investigation, Risk Assessment..and much more! En-quire Within KNOW YOUR RIGHTS & OBLIGATIONS! WE COME TO YOU! ALL CONSULTANCIES ARE HELD IN THE STRICTEST OF CONFIDENCE MANS OHS&E CONSULTANCY B.Sc (OHS), Cert IV TAE40110
Google Map of MANS OHS Consulting address: Tarneit 3029 VIC.
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