Profile: The Equipment Library is a Outdoor Gear Retailers company located at Northcote, Victoria Australia, address is 34 Aberdeen Gr, Northcote 3070 VIC, postcode is 3070
Description: The Equipment Library provides parents of school children, hikers and trekkers a range of camp hire equipment, such as sleeping bags, rain wear and camping accessories. We offer you a range of products and services that allows you, your family or friends venture into the outdoors with the confidence that they have the right equipment for the environment. We have worked closely with a number of Australian and International outdoor suppliers to secure some of the best technical products for hire or purchase. This means piece of mind for you as parents, and comfort and reliability for your children in the field. Drawing upon ten years experience in outdoor adventure activities; principally rafting and schools camps; and seven years travel and adventure retail management The Equipment Library can offer you the service and support to outfit your family for all school camp activities. We offer a range of delivery options to suit all budgets. Free delivery within 10km of our office, direct to door next day courier services and even a shop at home service.