Profile: Salah Thai Massage and Relaxation is a Massage company located at Balwyn North, Victoria Australia, address is 1132 Burke Rd, Balwyn North 3104 VIC, postcode is 3104, you can contact Salah Thai Massage and Relaxation by phone 03 9859 6330
Description: At Salah Thai Massage we offer the ultimate in relaxation massage to soothe your mind, body and soul. With several different massage types available in addition to traditional Thai massage, such as Swedish massage and reflexology, you will always find the perfect relaxation massage. We have two convenient locations to serve you tin Balwyn and Box Hill.
Google Map of Salah Thai Massage and Relaxation address: 1132 Burke Rd, Balwyn North 3104 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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MCH differ from most hypnotherapists as I use advanced 5-PATH hypnosis. This allows the hypnotherapist to go far beyond what most can do in a hypnosis session for anxiety. Balwyn