A Katherine Sharp Massage is like no other. Step into a quiet, warm room with the sound of water trickling in the background, lie down and let yourself go...
Profile: Katherine Sharp Massage is a Massage company located at Eltham, Victoria Australia, address is 33 Stanhope St, Eltham 3095 VIC, postcode is 3095
Description: Massage allows your body to release tensions that have built up over time in many cases, a lifetime. Even better, massage allows emotions to surface, giving you a completely relaxing experience and at the same time releasing physical pain. And best of all, the cost of massage therapy can be claimed back from most major health funds.
Google Map of Katherine Sharp Massage address: 33 Stanhope St, Eltham 3095 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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