Profile: Spider Vein Removal is a Skin Care company located at Lilydale, Victoria Australia, address is 81 The Gateway, Lilydale 3140 VIC, postcode is 3140, you can contact Spider Vein Removal by phone 03 9725 6717
Description: Spider veins on the face. We use a new method Spider Vein Coagulation with Radio Frequency. A fine probe (thinner than a hair) is used to touch the top of the vein and this coagulates the blood and closes the vein. You can watch the vein disappear!. Usually one treatmentfor the face. Produces a cat scratch look and some redness for a couple of weeks and then clear skin. One session is 15 mins. FREE CONSULTATION AND PATCH TEST
Additional Information:
Times Vary - call for detailsAppointments AvailableFlexible Hours by Appointment
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Google Map of Spider Vein Removal address: 81 The Gateway, Lilydale 3140 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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