Profile: A 7 Day Evap Air Conditioning Service is a Air Conditioning & Heating Installation company located at Darch, West Australia Australia, address is Darch 6065 WA, postcode is 6065
Description: Breezair, Coolbreeze, Bonaire, Braemar, Coolair, Convair, Celair Evaporative Specialists Air Conditioning Service, Repairs. Evaporative coolers range from small mobile units which cool one room up to large units that can cool a whole house. They consist of a fan or blower that draws in outside air and passes it through a wet filter. As hot dry air moves through the filter, water evaporates, cooling and humidifying the air. The cool air is then blown through the room or house. Evaporative systems cool best when the air is drawn slowly over the Non clogged wet filter pads, which allows maximum evaporation to occur. Systems with larger total filter areas will provide better cooling because the air can flow more slowly over the filter pads if the filters are blocked the unit may overheat and not cool effectively. Care should be taken when purchasing evaporative systems to ensure that the unit is adequately sized for your particular requirements. As a guide, the entire volume of the space(s) to be cooled should be flushed through every 2 minutes (or around 30 air changes per hour). Make sure you obtain an accurate sizing quote from your air-conditioning specialist before purchasing your system. The performance of evaporative systems deteriorates as the humidity increases. Consequently, evaporative systems are not suitable for the humid northern, coastal regions of Western Australia. They are generally suitable for areas with dry summers, such as inland and southern regions (including Perth), although their effectiveness will be reduced during the occasional periods of humid weather that these areas can experience if you notice a reduction in the units efficiency then having it serviced may reveal any potential faults that exist at the time of inspection .
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