Profile: KAT 5 PTY LTD is a Concrete & Cement company located at Exmouth, West Australia Australia, address is Exmouth 6707 WA, postcode is 6707
Description: Civil kerbing works, Roadside and car park kerbing, Civil concrete, Head walls and culvert end treatment. Domestic concrete, exposed aggregate finishes. Fully insured and work safe compliant, RIO inducted crew. Modern up to date safe machinery producing the highest strength vibrated kerbing. Flexible mobilisation to get your works done on time and on schedule. Customisable molds to suits your specifications.
Registration Details:
ABN: 51 158 694 476
Google Map of KAT 5 PTY LTD address: Exmouth 6707 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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