Profile: Mount Lawley Primary School is a Schools company located at Mount Lawley, West Australia Australia, address is Mount Lawley Primary School, 92 Second Ave, Mount Lawley 6050 WA, postcode is 6050, you can contact Mount Lawley Primary School by phone 08 9370 2170
Description: Mount Lawley Primary is located in the Swan Education District, Western Australia. We have provided educational programs for the Mount Lawley community since 1912 and are happy to be celebrating our ninety seventh year of providing quality education for our community. Our school endeavours to promote a positive and supportive learning environment in which all students are given the opportunity and resources to develop intellectually, emotionally and physically within a framework that promotes and values the principles of inclusiveness, understanding and justice. In practice, our school endeavours to achieve this in several ways: - by providing programs that are relevant, innovative and challenging that optimise each student's ability to learn. - by making available to students the necessary skills, knowledge and technology in order that they might critically examine the society in which they live and help to develop a deeper appreciation of their own cultural heritage and the wider community. - by proactively engaging with our parents and community to develop a positive relationships to enhance students' outcomes. - by providing a committed and professional staff.
Opening Hours:
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Google Map of Mount Lawley Primary School address: Mount Lawley Primary School, 92 Second Ave, Mount Lawley 6050 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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