Profile: BiBi Designs and Photography is a Photographers company located at South Perth, West Australia Australia, address is South Perth 6151 WA, postcode is 6151
Description: We offer timely and creative photographic services customized entirely to the need of our clients. We are extremely flexible and more than happy to shoot anywhere or alternatively offer our studio with different back drops. We love new photographic ideas, so if you have something quirky or Avant-garde, well be there. Alternatively there is nothing more heart-full than capturing a special moment between friends or life! Our services include but not limited to: Weddings Fashion Commercial Sport Food Sensual Avant garde Portrait You will receive all your photos as fully edited high resolution images on DVD (or CD). You will be able print the photos yourself, or have the photos printed by a professional photographic laboratory.
Google Map of BiBi Designs and Photography address: South Perth 6151 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
1 comment(s) on BiBi Designs and Photography
Lisa Marie CorbsPosted at 2016-03-28 06:19:29
My cousin not only had photos done by also some bikinis for the shoot prior her comp. While Maryam herself was lovely her bikinis looked like Poorly made knock offs and the shots were not much better, definitely not at that level
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