Profile: Wendy's House of Beauty is a Beauty Salons company located at Ellenbrook, West Australia Australia, address is Ellenbrook 6069 WA, postcode is 6069
Description: Having always taken pride in my appearance, I decided to pursue a career in beauty therapy, as I felt this would be a very rewarding and an enjoyable career, both for myself and for my clients by providing them with beauty treatments. Qualifying as a beauty therapist I have established my very own home beauty salon business to allow me to use my skills and knowledge. I am continually growing my client list by adopting a combination of advertising techniques. First and foremost as I aim to satisfy each and every client that visits my home, some of which have provided fabulous client testimonials here at WendyĆ¢
Beauty Salons
Google Map of Wendy's House of Beauty address: Ellenbrook 6069 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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