Profile: FattDog Studio is a Recording & Rehearsal Studios company located at Beechboro, West Australia Australia, address is Beechboro 6063 WA, postcode is 6063
Description: With an experienced producer, Fattdog Studio is well placed to be able to handle just about any project you have in mind. If you have a band and want to produce a demo or an album, we can take you through the process from beginning to end. If you have a song idea but don't know what to do with it we can help, you don't need a band to get that sound that you want. We cater for bands, solo artists, singer songwriters, just about anything. We can also help you mix and master a project you have recorded yourself For details and pricing call Dan on 0404858803
Google Map of FattDog Studio address: Beechboro 6063 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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