Profile: Anti Slip WA is a Medical Centres company located at Kingsley, West Australia Australia, address is Kingsley 6026 WA, postcode is 6026, you can contact Anti Slip WA by phone 0438 990 403
Description: Anti Slip WA has a non-slip solution for every slippery floor surface. Our floor safety operators are trained to: Assess floor safety needs to ensure compliance with OH&S and Australia Standards using an ASM slip meter Implement the most advanced anti-slip products and services available in the world Provide on-going advice and maintenance through the Anti Slip WA Maintenance program Provide cost-effective non-slip solutions combined with helpful, friendly and efficient service We believe our outstanding success can be attributed: our commitment to excellence a community-minded business approach having the most technologically advanced anti-slip products and services in the world having the most well-trained and most experienced operators Anti Slip WA is fortunate to be in a sector of the health and safety industry that enables us to have such a significant impact on the lives of Australians. 85% of all slip and fall injuries are preventable and Anti Slip WA is working hard to "keep Western Australians on their feet". With our expertly trained floor safety operators, Anti Slip WA offers a wealth of experience and provides advice and services to all clients, helping them to ensure that all legal requirements relating to floor safety, such as OH & S and Australian Standards, are met. Anti Slip WA is proud to provide their non-slip services in all sectors of the Western Australian community including: Industrial applications - Alcoa, BHP Biliton Government Applications - Department of Veteran Affairs, Schools, Hospitals Commercial Applications - Cadbury Schweppes, Toyota, MYOB, Red Rooster Residential Applications - Aged Care Facilities, Private Residences, DVA Anti Slip WA is proud to be in the position to make a difference to the quality of life of thousands of Australian every day.
Google Map of Anti Slip WA address: Kingsley 6026 WA.
Map And Street View
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