Profile: Ciao Bella Fashion is a Clothing Retailers company located at Rockingham, West Australia Australia, address is Rockingham 6168 WA, postcode is 6168
Description: Can't find that sexy little number for Saturday night? Sick of scouring shop after shop for something nice at a decent price? STOP!!!! Here at Ciao Bella we have a range of different styles and designs that are sure to tickle your fancy but not hurt the hip pocket. All clothing and accessories are imported from around the globe, so unlike local brands that are easily sourced you are not likely to be wearing the same thing as anyone else. Please click on the facebook link to check out our designs!
Additional Information:
Flexible Hours by Appointment
Payment Options:
Direct DepositMoney OrderPayPalCash
Google Map of Ciao Bella Fashion address: Rockingham 6168 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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The elegant and popular four star Anchorage Guest House is in the heart of the Rockingham Beach town area - a few minutes walk to the beach, cafes, wine-bars and restaurants.