Profile: Pronto PR is a Public Relations company located at Leederville, West Australia Australia, address is PO Box 154, Leederville 6007 WA, postcode is 6007, you can contact Pronto PR by phone 0439 997 075
Description: over a decade of experience working in public relations in Australia and internationally in both the private and public sectors including international motorsport, major events, the tourism industry and in business development. Pronto PR can assist your business or event in all areas of public relations and communication. Specialties -Media relations and media management -Publicity and promotions -Event management including media centre management -Communication including stakeholder and community relations -Reputation management -Crisis communications -Government relations -Corporate hosting and hospitality services -Publication and brochure production -Editing and Copy writing -Speech writing -Visiting journalist programs / hosting -Familiarisation programs -Marketing / advertising -Social media management
Google Map of Pronto PR address: PO Box 154, Leederville 6007 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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