Profile: New iRepair is a Mobile Phones Retailers company located at Morley, West Australia Australia, address is Morley 6062 WA, postcode is 6062, you can contact New iRepair by phone 08 9276 3388
Google Map of New iRepair address: Morley 6062 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
2 comment(s) on New iRepair
Nick and TraceyPosted at 2015-08-28 16:24:28
We tried to return a Iphone 6 phone cover that was faulty as we couldn\'t take a photo with the cover on as it cast a shadow over the corner of every photo. Manufacturing fault we thought..... we had the receipt and had returned it within the 30 day return criteria but they wouldn\'t replace it stating it was worn!!! We argued with staff that this was irrelevant! That\'s why you buy a cover to protect the phone...the fact was that it was faulty but they were obstinate in their response and would only offer another cover at a discounted price! BUYER BEWARE!
FaithPosted at 2016-08-18 16:50:01
This store is a bigger fake than kim kardashian. They replaced my iphone 5 screen and i paid my $80 for it and it wouldnt work. The phone acted like someone else was touching it or using it when no one was. I then took it back 3 times and they only changed the screen did nothing else, went back and asked for a refund cause they hadnt put the screen on properly but that \"wasnt their fault\". Took it to the mobile shop near the entrance to centro galleria and had them check my phone for $20 and then it started working fine so went back and complained and asked for a refund but still wasnt allowed one unless i gave it to them for a whole day.
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