Custom stubby holders and custom water bottle holders for corporate merchandise or promotional products, uniforms and fundraising. Effective advertising you can use!!!
Profile: Stayzkool Promotions is a Promotional Products company located at Willetton, West Australia Australia, address is Willetton 6155 WA, postcode is 6155
Description: Looking for a stubby holder, can cooler or koozie - Stayzkool Promotions provides low prices and great service. Stayzkool Promotions operates worldwide with custom stubby holders and custom water bottle holders suitable for corporate merchandise or promotional products as well as for schools and sporting clubs wanting uniforms or fundraising options. Stayzkool Promotions stubby holders and water bottle holders are made from 3mm neoprene.
Payment Options:
Direct DepositPayPal
Google Map of Stayzkool Promotions address: Willetton 6155 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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