Profile: Step into Life Madeley is a Personal Trainers company located at Madeley, West Australia Australia, address is Kingsway Reserve, Kingsway Road, Madeley 6065 WA, postcode is 6065
Description: Step into Life specialises in Group Outdoor Personal Training. We do it outdoors! Get fit and have fun in a socially friendly environment. Keeping fitter and healthier is a sure way to a longer life, and Step into Life is an even better way to get into the habit of regular, enjoyable fitness training for people of all ages and all fitness levels. We make maintaining your fitness & health easier, more fun...and you get to enjoy it with other like-minded people. Think about it... We do it outdoors! Getting fit, with people like you, who prefer to train outdoors rather than being in a gym (an often intimidating and boring environment) is a really fun way to achieve the fitness levels you set - and achieve - with the help and encouragement of both your Personal Trainer and the other group members.
Google Map of Step into Life Madeley address: Kingsway Reserve, Kingsway Road, Madeley 6065 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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