Profile: Coastal Patios WA is a Outdoor Home Improvement company located at Karnup, West Australia Australia, address is 4 Hoil Chon Hts, Karnup 6176 WA, postcode is 6176, you can contact Coastal Patios WA by phone 08 9523 1009
Additional Information:
Flexible Hours by Appointment
Google Map of Coastal Patios WA address: 4 Hoil Chon Hts, Karnup 6176 WA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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* Save up to 45% on Energy Bills. Reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 45% just by installing ceiling insulation. * Cooler in Summer Warmer in Winter.
Family operated and run. Over 25 years experience in the Blind Industry, within the Mandurah Area. Customer service and satisfaction is what Coastal Blinds strives to achieve.