Robyn's Bowen Therapy & Emmett Technique
Comments on Robyn's Bowen Therapy & Emmett Technique. 90 Riverstone Rd, Gordonvale 4865 QLD
Robyn JohnPosted at 2016-01-19 13:38:55
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, I may be able to help you using Bowen Therapy and Emmett Technique. These gentle therapies are muscle release techniques and most clients notice dramatic changes before they leave the clinic. Relaxing muscles allows better blood flow through the muscles and encourages healing locally. It also creates symmetry in the body and restores balance. It is suitable for all ages, safe for babies and gentle on the elderly. Bowen Therapy can be done semi or fully clothed and generally takes 30 - 40 minute Robyn is available by appointment only and home visits may be arranged if you are unable to drive.