Nan Hai Pu Tuo Temple

Comments on Nan Hai Pu Tuo Temple. Emerald 3782 VIC
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2 comment(s) on Nan Hai Pu Tuo Temple
NeighbourPosted at 2015-06-13 00:09:29
As a direct neighbour of this organisation i have had nothing but despair and frustration at the development which has occured over the past 10 years. Tree planting which has ruined my views and caused fire danger; construction of roads and buildings and expansion of traffic; construction of a huge metal fence along my boundary blocking more views; now security cameras pointing at my home. I\'ve been met with hostility and a complete lack of compromise and my lifestyle and enjoyment if my property has been diminished. Locals not welcome and refusal to mediat
NeighbourPosted at 2015-06-13 00:10:58
As a direct neighbour of this organisation i have had nothing but despair and frustration at the development which has occured over the past 10 years. Tree planting which has ruined my views and caused fire danger; construction of roads and buildings and expansion of traffic; construction of a huge metal fence along my boundary blocking more views; now security cameras pointing at my home. I\'ve been met with hostility and a complete lack of compromise and my lifestyle and enjoyment if my property has been diminished. Locals not welcome and refusal to mediate or negotiate. Community not happy.