Duo Melodica
Comments on Duo Melodica. 9 Maitong Road, Mt Eliza 3930 VIC
Howard and Pamela RowePosted at 2015-06-22 12:02:38
The address you have for us is WRONG. Please list our correct address, which is .. PO Box 772, Mt. Eliza 3930 Victoria Tel. 0417 387498 We are NOT party suppliers, but are musicians (check Victorian Yellow Pages to confirm)
DUO MELODICAPosted at 2015-06-27 18:21:48
The address you have for DUO MELODICA is wrong. The correct address for DUO MELODICA is PO Box 772 Mt. Eliza 3930 Victoria, Tel. 0417 387 498. Can you correct the mistake please?